The Synergy 8 Community Builders have announced that Canadian PGA Tour player Nick Taylor will be the special guest for this year’s ‘Drive for Kids Campaign.’
The group announced the headliners for their 13th event Friday that also include Fox Sports Television Host Taylor Cusack and Saskatchewan comedy star Kelly Taylor. Synergy 8 spokesperson Troy Davies said after having Mackenzie Hughes last year Taylor came with high praise from his Canadian counterpart and the Synergy 8 group listened.
“This is something that we really wanted to promote and it’s great to have Canada doing so well on the PGA Tour, Canadian players are really showing up,” Davies said. “To be able to have them here in Saskatoon is a blessing for us.”
The Synergy 8 group partnered with the Saskatoon Tribal Council, Jim Pattison Children’s Hospital, and the Ministry of Health this year, together the end goal of the 2023 campaign will be the purchase of a pediatric portable MRI machine that will be Saskatchewan’s first of it’s kind and housed at the Saskatoon based children’s hospital. Davies, a medical professional in his own career said the machine was recommended by specialists as a need and the group will now work to raise the million dollars needed for the purchase.
“A typical MRI machine you have to lay a child on it, parents can’t be in there where as this one, being portable it can be wheeled right up to the bed and do the scans right there, parents can be there holding the hands of the child right there,” Davies said.
“Our leads from the experts say this is a much needed piece of equipment that will enhance and treat hundreds of kids across the province and make an impact. This is important to us, it aligns with our mandates and that’s why we went forward with it,” Davies added.
Registration is open for the golf tournament at The Willows Club on Aug. 29, tables for the following dinner at Prairieland Park are also now available through any Synergy 8 member.