Rule of the week

Rule 4-3 Club Broken After Slammed in Anger

Dave is struggling on the course today. He hits another errant tee shot and in a fit of anger bends his driver as a result of intentionally slamming it on the ground in anger repeatedly.  Finally, in his last act of raging, throws the club 30 yards into the pond. May the player replace the damaged club before the completion of the stipulated round?

No. As Dave’s club was damaged other than in the normal course of play, it may not be replaced during the round.

Dave should take a long look at himself in the mirror and ask if his behavior was appropriate on the golf course. Additionally, at any Provincial/National golf championship, Dave’s day and tournament would most likely be finished. Keep calm and carry on. Reminder …. Golf is a difficult game!

For additional information please See also Decision 4-3/1, Decision 4-3/7 and Decision 4-3/9.

Well, that’s one way to prevent yourself from hitting a driver anymore…

Posted by on Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Happy golfing and remember the Rules of Golf Matter