Hole-in-one nets Debbie Arnst 10K

Although she’s a course owner, Debbie Arnst admits she doesn’t play much golf, but a recent round was a lucrative one.

Debbie and her husband Larry own Rolling Pines Golf and Country Club near Tobin Lake. The nine-hole gem carved through the trees north of Nipawin hosted the Nipawin Chamber of Commerce annual scramble Friday, June 7, that’s where Arnst recorded her first ever ace, and with it a prize of $10,000.

She hit the shot into a stiff breeze from 145 yards out with her driver on hole four. She said the pin placement didn’t allow the group to see the ball drop but the witnesses provided the exciting news.

“It was sailing nice, it was on the left side of the green, the pin was more in the middle but the shot was left,” she explained. “I guess it just hit and rolled just right.”

To Arnst’s knowledge, the hole-in-one prize has never been handed out at the Chamber’s annual event that flip flops between Rolling Pines and Evergreen Golf Course.

Although around golf everyday, Arnst admits she doesn’t play lots. Friday was just her third round of the year. Debbie hopes that she can play more this year with a couple full time staff members at Rolling Pines easing hers and Larry’s workload.

“That was my third round of the year, people that golf there know I am in the clubhouse much more than I am on the golf course, but I am hoping to change that,” she added.

Leading up to the event, Thursday prior to the tournament board members and volunteers were setting up sponsor signs and other amenities when Arnst joked about what she would do if hitting the memorable shot.

“Last year I bought a small camper, and my daughter and grandkids went camping, I said oh, if I was lucky enough to win $10,000 I will buy a bigger trailer,” she said.