When you look good, you feel good, and when you feel good, you play good. If the old adage is correct, adidas Golf Canada should have you playing some solid golf.
Whether it’s shoes, pants, shorts, polos, outerwear, or hats, the global company has you covered right here at home in Saskatchewan. When you think adidas, the first thing that does come to mind is shoes. Saskatchewan-Manitoba-Lakehead Territory Sales Manager Paige Lawrence said they are led by the new Tour 360 XT Spikeless but the brand has much more to offer.
“We have Sports Performance which is what most people are used to,” Lawrence explained to Golf Saskatchewan. “That’s where you will see our standard polo that we’ve been selling for 20 years it has seen technology improvements through the years. It’s also where our Ultimate Shorts is as well, the number one shorts in golf. We actually just released a Sergio 20th anniversary polo, it’s a great showcase of how styles and technology have changed over the years”
With golf becoming a more stylish, cool sport adidas is working to keep up with trends both on and off the course. Part of that venture is the Adicross silo launched last year.
“It’s more of an on course, off course business or casual line,” Lawrence said. ‘We still have polos, but we have Range Henley and t-shirts offered as well. That’s something you will see guys on the range with, it doesn’t have a Tour presence just because it is a little more casual. With golf becoming a more accessible sport we’re trending more casual as well so we’re seeing Adicross doing well in it’s infancy.”
Prairie golfers are well acclimatized to the ever-changing weather patterns during the summer, not just daily but often hourly. Morning and evening players will experience the fluctuations more regularly and Lawrence says they have that aspect covered as well.
“Within all our silos we have lots of different options,” she said. “We do a Climawarm which you will see within the adidas brand overall. It’s true to its name, it’s meant to be worn on those cold mornings, so nothing stops you from getting on the links”
adidas is staying ahead of the curve through their various brands but the company is staying true to their roots as well with the Adipure line. The brand was relaunched in 2017 Lawrence said.
“That is true to our heritage, true to golf,” she said. “It’s a little bit more traditional and you only see it at golf courses. Adipure pays attention to detail making it a great business line on and off the course”

Top ranked PGA Tour players Dustin Johnson and Sergio Garcia are on the adidas golf roster assisting in making the brand very popular among men, but their LPGA roster is helping boost the profile of women’s golf as well. Danielle Kang, Paula Creamer, and Jessica Korda are sport adidas on the women’s pro tour. Lawrence said the growing demand is something they are working hard to keep up with.
‘We’re trying to grow that business as well. Within adidas Golf after the divestiture we have seen a big change. Our adidas Golf Canada team is almost 50 percent women now so obviously new insights will allow for new ideas. We are looking to continue serving all areas of the marketplace and become Best in Class within the industry” Lawrence added.
adidas Golf Canada is available at proshops across Saskatchewan as well as GolfTown and SportChek stores and online.